Monday, February 20, 2012


1. Complete the Map assignment.
Remember, all notes taken can be used on the final project.

2. Photographs

Explore the images and choose two that stand out to you. Images can be found on the USHMM website.
  • Lined paper
  • Title it "Photographs of the Holocaust"
  • State the "page number"
  • The given description
  • Your interpretation
  • Personal reason(s) why the image stood out to you.
  • After you complete the assignment for two of the photographs, please feel free to browse the remaining images. You may add to you research by repeating the process above or feel free to just "view and read"

3. Child Profile Card

Please choose a name, click, and print. You will need this profile for your final project.

Forget-me-not<---- click

4. Additional Information

Feel free to browse and explore. Note taking is optional. If you do choose to take note, remember to write down titles, key facts, and dates as reference.

Informational links...

Hidden Children

Hitler speaks in Vienna after annexation of Austria (turn sound down first)

Children during the Holocaust


USHMM for students

Anne Frank - Online Exhibit

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

USHMM - Maps

  1. Fold your paper Cornell style
  2. Title your Notes- "Holocaust Maps"
  3. You will place (approximately) four map titles on the front and four on the back.
  4. Due to the size of each individuals writing, I would recommend you write the titles as you view the maps, this way you are not limited to any particular space. Some notes may be two pages long.
  5. You will watch each video and write down 3 facts for each
  6. You will also reflect on the new information you learned after each video.
  7. Repeat process for each video.

Titles -

World War II and the Holocaust


The Holocaust

The Voyage of St. Louis

Warsaw Ghetto




Friday, January 20, 2012

College Majors - 7th grade

Major is a student's principal (main) field of study at a university/college.

Use the following websites to browse and learn about the many majors that are offred.
You are going to choose a major to focus your next project on.
Use today to read and explore the many possibilities.

College Board - Majors
Princeton Review- Majors
Top 10 highest paying college Majors
Popular College Majors

Take the quizzes to find a major that may fit your interests

College Board- Majors that Fit
Quiz Farm - Majors
About.Com Major Quiz

Thursday, January 19, 2012

8th Grade - USC Shoah

1) Place you name on the handout.

2) As you watch the videos, write down thoughts, feelings, questions, comments on what you have heard.

3) Make sure you jot down names, so you can refrence these ideas during a socratic seminar

4) Watch all the videos as well as the ones that are "featured on the right"

5) you may have to watch a video more than once in order to grasp all that is being said.

Featured clips from the Institute's Visual History Archive

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Part 1

Complete your FB goal worksheet
(Don't forget to save, save, and save again)

Once you are done with this task please move onto the second part of your assignment.
The instructions are on the other post, make sure you follow the correct grade level for the assignment.